STI Testing & Treatment
HIV Testing & Care
Offering both once a day pills or long lasting injectable PrEP. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis dramatically reduces the risk of HIV infection!
CHE offers as a short course medication taken very soon after possible exposure to HIV to prevent the virus.
If you're sexually active, we recommend getting tested for STIs every 3-6 months. This is especially important since many STIs don't usually cause symptoms.
At CHE, we test for HIV using Rapid HIV tests. These tests give you quick results within 20-30 minutes. HIV testing services are always FREE for our PrEP patients.
Become a volunteer

Looking for a place to serve in the Austin or Dallas area? You just found the right place!
Every month, Center for Health Empowerment provides people the opportunity to be part of our volunteer program. Together, we can stop the spread of HIV.
"Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.